An afternoon with my Teacher

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Once in China, there was a good ruler. His subjects were hard working. So the country was filled with prosperity and wealth. Every where was teemed with joy.
After prayers of long period, a child was born to the king and the queen. They named him ” Alan “. The birthday of the child was a festival in the country. But Oralf, his uncle, who wished to be the future king of the country was waiting for an occasion to destroy the child.
One day in the absence of the queen he took the child. He went to the top of a mountain and gave up the child there. asn he returned to the palace.
But in a cave of that mountain a white horse which had fire wings lived. Its fire wings destrroyed everything near of it. When the horse saw the child,a sympathy arose in its mind. So it took the child into the cave. There Alan grew up with other children. The horse taught him all types of warfare.
Years elapsed. The king and the queen thought about the prince and grieved. One day an old womnan came to the queen and asked about her sorrows.The queen described to her the missing of her son.The old woman asked the queen.
” Do you love your prince?”.
She then closed her eyes for sometime and replied
” My dear queen, in a distant place, in the cave of a mountain, there is a boy living with two girls. He is certainly your own prince. A fire winged horse is bringing up the boy.”
Queen was very happy. Asking all about the way to the cave, the queen gave hands full of gifts to the old woman. The king and courtiers reached the cave in the mountain.
At first sight, the king realised that the boy was his own son. He told the horse and friends about it and they said they have come to take the prince back to the palace.
The horse and his friends sent him happily.When they were ready to go, the horse took a feather from his fire wings and said to the boy,
” If you have any want, you will call me dipping this feather in water. At once I will come there. What ever the danger come, I will be with you”.
The Prince returned to the palace along with the King. Oralf took another plan to kill the prince. He went to the neighbouring countries and revealed all military secrets. Then he started to attack the country with the help of enemies. The king and his soldiers could not defend the unexpected attack. Suddenly the Prince remembered the words of the horse. He took the feather and dipping it in to the water, he requested to the horse for help.
At once the fire winged horse appeared. With the help of the horse, they defeated their enemies. In the war Oralf was killed. Later they lived happliy……..

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