An afternoon with my Teacher

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Cristmas carol.

A Christmas Carol: An animated retelling of Charles Dickens classic novel about a Victorian-era miser taken on a journey of self-redemption, courtesy of several mysterious Christmas apparitions.

Released: November 03, 2009
Runtime: 96 mins
Genres: Animation Drama Family Fantasy
Countries: USA
Director: Robert Zemeckis

Friday, September 30, 2011

Where the wild things are. (Download this book)!download|667l3|316697983|Maurice_Sendak_-_Where_The_Wild_Things_Are.pdf|18955|R~52A97D402C704D651BF756F5EEE7294D|0|0

“The book tells the story of Max, who one evening plays around his home, “making mischief” in a wolf costume by chasing the dog with a fork and growling at his mom. As punishment, his mother sends him to bed without supper. In his room, a mysterious, wild forest grows out of his imagination, and Max journeys to the land of the Wild Things.  The Wild Things are fearsome-looking monsters, but Max conquers them “by staring into their yellow eyes without blinking once,” and he is made “the King of all Wild Things.”  However, he soon finds himself lonely and homesick, and he returns home to his bedroom, where he finds his supper waiting for him, still hot.”

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

 This is the first worldwide Peanut Butter Jelly competition, whoever makes the funnies video and uploads it will win a special prize, you can do it in groups or individual... Good luck it´s Peanut Butter Jelly time!!! 


Monkeys For Sale

Monkeys For Sale is a weird funny story about a boy who buys some cheap monkeys in a pet shop and brings them home.

I saw a sign in the window of the pet store. It read “mONKEYS fOR sALE”. The store was selling them for five cents apiece. I thought that was odd since they were normally a couple thousand each. I bought 200. I like monkeys.
I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive. He wasn’t very smart. In fact, none of them were really bright. They kept punching themselves in the face. I laughed. Then they punched me in the face. I stopped laughing.
I herded them into my room. They didn’t adapt very well to their new home. They screeched and jabbered, they hurled themselves off the couch at high speeds and slamed into the wall, face first. Although humorous at first, it became boring after an hour.
Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were on sale: they all died. No apparent reason. They all just sort of dropped dead. Kind of like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later. Darn cheap monkeys.
I didn’t know what to do. There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my room, on the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase. It looked like I had 200 throw rugs. I had to get rid of them before my parents came home.
I tried to flush one down the toilet. It didn’t work. It got stuck. Now I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys.
I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals. That worked for a while, that is until they began to decompose. It started to smell real bad.
I had to use the bathroom, but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn’t want to call the plumber. I was too embarrassed.
I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them. Unfortunately, there was only enough room in the freezer for two monkeys at a time so I had to change them every 30 seconds. This wasn’t very efficient. I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so it didn’t go bad.
I tried burning them. Little did I know my bed was flammable. I had to extinguish the fire. Now I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in my freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed. The smell was getting worse.
I became irritated by my inability to dispose of my monkeys. I was also irritated because I couldn’t use the bathroom. I punched one of my dead monkeys in the face. I felt better.
I tried throwing them away but the garbage man said that he wasn’t allowed to dispose of charred monkeys. I told him that I had a wet one but he said he couldn’t take that either. I didn’t bother asking about the frozen ones.
I finally arrived at a solution. I gave them out as Christmas gifts. My friends didn’t know quite what to say. They pretended they liked dead monkeys, but I could tell they were lying. Ingrates. So I punched them in the face.
I like monkeys.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Play a little game.



The Scarecrow is a scary story about a farmer who builds the scariest and most hideous of all scarecrows to take care of his farm.
There was an old farmer in Arizona who owned the best farm in the area. Everybody said his crops were the best and people came from all over to buy their goods from him. Whenever people asked him how he was able to grow such good quality crops, the old farmer would say it was all down to his scarecrow.
“That old scarecrow is the one I have to thank”, said the farmer. “He makes sure no crows or critters or pests come near my crops”.
The old farmer had built the scarecrow himself and it was a fearsome sight. He spent months working on it to make it as scary as possible. He knew how important it was to keep pests away from his crops. So he gave it enormous straw arms that stretched out about 6 feet and big long legs that made it as tall as a tree.
But the scariest thing about this scarecrow was it’s head. The farmer carved it himself out of a huge pumpkin. He spent countless days and nights perfecting his design until it was perfect. The scarecrow’s face and head was so grotesque and ugly that even he was sometimes scared to look at it. But it was very effective, scaring away every rodent and bird that ventured near.
The neighboring farm was owned by two young men who were brothers named Josh and Harold. They were lazy and never did much work around the farm which resulted in their crops being bad. They were jealous of the old farmer’s success and were plotting against him. If they could drive him out of business they could take over his farm and make more money.
So one night, the brothers decided to sneak onto the old farmer’s land. They stole his prized scarecrow and brought it back to their own house, where they stuffed it into an old closet so nobody would ever find it.
The next day, the farmer woke up to find his hideous scarecrow missing and all his crops being eaten by rats and crows. He fell to his knees and cried, knowing that his farm would soon be out of business. Meanwhile, the brothers, Josh and Harld were watching from their own property and couldn’t help laughing out loud when they saw the old man’s tears of grief.
Hearing the laughter, the old farmer came over and asked them if they knew what happened to his scarecrow. The brothers looked him right in the eye and said they had no idea where his precious scarecrow might be.
“But you know I’ll go out of business and have to sell my farm if I can’t find my scarecrow”, said the farmer.
Josh just laughed in his face, saying “That’s just your tough luck, isn’t it?”.
“Sucks to be you”, giggled Harold.
The old farmer walked slowly back to his house, his head hanging down in defeat and depression.
That night, as Josh and Harold had trouble sleeping. Not because they felt any remorse, but because they couldn’t get the image of the scarecrow’s horrible twisted face out of their minds. They decided they would never be able to sleep as long as that ugly pumpkin head was in their house. So they got up and dragged the scarecrow out of the closet.
Harold took a baseball bat and smashed the scarecrow’s head to pieces until all that was left was little bits of pumpkin strewn around the floor. The brothers swept up the pumpkin head pieces and threw them in the trash. Then they went back to bed and were soon fast asleep, having put all thoughts of the disgusting scarecrow face out of their heads.
Some time after midnight, Josh and Harold were awoken by the sounds of scratching and clawing at their bedroom door.
“Did you forget to put the dog out?” asked Harold, sleepily.
“W-w-w-we don’t have a dog”, stammered Josh.
Suddenly the bedroom door burst open and a solitary long straw arm snaked in through the opening. Then a second arm thrashed around, followed by two long stick legs. The two brothers were frozen in fear and could only look with horror as the headless scarecrow’s body rose up on it’s long stick legs and it’s long arms reached out for them in the darkness.
Harold felt a cold sinewy, straw claw close around his ankle and screamed as loud as he could. He begged his brother Josh to help him. But Josh was already running out of the bedroom. Fleeing in terror, he ran down the hallway, crashed through the front door and out onto the moonlit road.
He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, puffing and panting and screaming at the top of his voice. As he passed his neighbor’s house, he saw the old farmer standing at his gate. In the moonlight, he could see the farmer just staring at him with a strange smile on his face.
Josh kept running, his bare feet slapping against the rough gravel road. He glanced back over his shoulder and saw something that scared him to his very soul. He saw the scarecrow running along the road close behing him. It was gaining on him, coming closer and closer. And that wasn’t all he saw. He noticed that the scarecrow had a brand new head. And it looked a lot like Harold.
The End

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do you like dolls?

Cabbage Patch Dolls have freaked kids out for years and if they scare you, then this creepy little story will really make you afraid to go to sleep.
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Cabbage Patch Dolls

Paper Craft

Cut and paste together.

School Jokes

Teacher: Why does the statue of liberty stand in New York harbour?
Pupil: Because it can't sit down!

A history joke
What was Camelot?
A place where people parked their camels!

A history joke
Who gave the Liberty Bell to Philadelphia?
Must have been a duck family
A duck family?
Didn't you say there was a quack in it!

An ideal homework excuse
Teacher: Where is your homework?
Pupil: I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren't the best teacher in the school

A math joke
Teacher: If 1+1=2 and 2+2=4, what is 4+4?
Pupil: That's not fair!

You answer the easy ones and leave us with the hard one!

Scary Story

Antique Doll

The Antique Doll is a scary story about a young girl who receives a strange gift on her birthday.

On the morning of her birthday, Lucy’s mother woke her up and told her a package had arrived in the mail and it was addressed to her.
The girl hurriedly unwrapped the gift and was horrified at what she found inside. It was the most disgusting old doll she had ever seen. It was completely bald and it’s skin was cracked and caked in dirt. The worst thing of all was it’s teeth. They were long, pointy, sharp and beastly. They looked like an animal’s fangs.
With a shiver, she took the doll and threw it in a corner. Her mother scolded her, telling her that someone had gone to a lot of trouble to send her this antique doll. Her mother told her she had better appreciate it.
Lucy tried to protest but her mother would not listen. She forced the young girl to keep the doll. So, to put her mind at rest Lucy stuffed the antique doll into the little cupboard under the stairs, behind a pile of shoes where she wouldn’t have to look at the ugly, evil little thing.
It was not until a few nights later, when Lucy was lying in bed that she heard a noise…a shuffling sound, which went on for about five minutes. Then, a brief dragging noise and finally, a scuttling like light footsteps walking very fast.
By now Lucy was shaking in her bed with fear, unable to move. Then, she thought she heard a faint raspy voice whispering quietly from downstairs. Lucy always slept with the door open and the landing light on, as she was a little scared of the dark.
She heard the voice say “Lucy, I’m on the first step”…And then loud scrabbling again as whatever was speaking apparently turned tail and returned to it’s place of hiding.
Lucy was so scared that she didn’t sleep a wink that night but laid in fear until the break of dawn, when her mother got her up for school
Lucy tried to explain to her mother what had happened the night before, but was so tired that, when her mother passed it off as “just a dream” she began to believe it might be the case.
Of course it wasn’t. Lucy begged her parents to let her throw the antique doll in the garbage, but they insisted that it was a present and she had to keep it. So Lucy reluctantly went back to bed, telling herself that it had only been a dream. She checked the cupboard under the stairs, but the doll was exactly where Lucy had left her.
That night, Lucy fought sleep but she eventually drifted off even though she had fought sleep. Presently, the deep disembodied voice woke Lucy again. She wondered if she could only hear it in her head.
“Luuuuccccyyyy! I’m on the fourth step…”, it said. Then came to scuffling noise and the voice didn’t reoccur that night. Lucy was crying by now, and again she didn’t sleep that night. At school, Lucy told her friends about the doll, and of course they laughed at her. Lucy could only think that if the doll was climbing four steps at a time then there was only one more night to go.
That night Lucy decided to shut her bedroom door. When her mother turned her light out she asked why Lucy was no longer scared of the dark. Lucy replied that she was and could she leave her light on instead of the hall light? But her mother pointed out that her bedroom light was so bright it would keep her awake, and said no.
Therefore Lucy agreed to just sleep without a light. She opened the bedroom curtains instead to light the room a little anyway. Just as she began to doze, she heard the noise.
And then the voice came, very clear this time. “Luuuuccccyyyy! I’m on the top step…”
In the darkness of her bedroom, Lucy heard a click and trembled with fear. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she could see her bedroom door opening very, very slowly.
The next morning, Lucy’s parents found her body at the bottom of the stairs. They guessed that she had been on her way to the toilet during the night and in the darkness, had slipped and fallen down the stairs, breaking her neck.
The antique doll was found beside her body, and was buried with Lucy. Everyone said what a tragedy it was.
“She loved that doll”, said her mother. “Now they can be together forever”.
                                                                                     Teache Robin.

Famous People

Enrique Iglesias
The new album of Enrique Iglesias was the album that was the beast sealing album in Mexico and U.S 2011 whit he´s first single was released in Castilian “When I fall” a duet with singer-songwriter Juan Luis Guerra and the second in English is I like it, a duet with rapper Pitbull. Both songs will be realized on June 28. Euphoria will be released worldwide on July 5 and July 6 in the United States.
Euphoria is the ninth studio album by singer and the first album containing original songs in both Spanish and English. Henry describes it as the album more "energetic and has different throughout his career" and in collaborations with major artists such as Usher, Juan Luis Guerra, Pitbull, Nicole Scherzinger and the Puerto Rican reggaeton duo Wisin & Yandel, and many more.
1. I likeit (feat. Juan Luis Guerra)
2. I Like It There (Feat. Wising& Yandel)
  3. Yesterday
  4. Tell That
  5. I like it (feat. Pitbull)
  6. One Day at a Time (Feat. Akon)
  7. I Can Feel Your Heartbeat (Feat.NicoleScherzinger)
  8. Dirty Dancer (With Usher)
  9. You and I
  10. I Like It There
                               Evelyn Yamileth Montes Bohòirquez.
                                                5th Grade (A)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let`s watch a movie (An american tail)

An American Tail: While emigrating to the United States, a young Russian mouse gets seperated from his family and must relocate them while trying to survive in a new country.

Released: November 21, 1986
Runtime: 80 mins
Genres: Drama Animation Musical Family Adventure
Countries: USA
Director: Don Bluth
Actors: Christopher Plummer Dom DeLuise Erica Yohn Hal Smith John Finnegan Madeline Kahn Nehemiah Persoff Neil Ross Pat Musick Phillip Glasser Will Ryan

Let`s watch a movie (Little Monsters)

Little Monsters: A boy discovers an incredible and gruesome world of monsters under his bed.

Released: August 25, 1989
Runtime: 100 mins
Genres: Comedy Family Adventure Fantasy
Countries: USA
Director: Richard Greenberg

Ben Savage Daniel Stern Devin Ratray Frank Whaley Fred Savage Howard Spiegel Howie Mandel J Michael Hunter Margaret Whitton Michael Weaver Natanya Ross Rick Ducommun

I did not like some parts of the movie because they did a lot of bad things to innocent children, the monster and the child got together to do evil every night together, but when they reached the house of a girl who was at the school the boy told the monster “Let's go” and the monster before leaving transformed his hand into a dog`s hand and ate the information she had about a strange plant.

The part I like is when the child saw the jokes the next morning that he had done. Eventually the child had thought about the things that had gone wrong with the monster.

I give this movie 4 popcorns; this movie could have more action.

Octavio Kair Escobedo Rodriguez.
     5th Grade  (A)  
* * * *


Chocolate Chip Cookies.

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup chunky or smooth peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375°.
Cream the butter, peanut butter and sugars until light. Add the egg and mix until fluffy.
Blend the flour, baking powder, soda and salt together well. Add these dry ingredients to the butter mixture. Add the chocolate chips.
Drop cookie dough by teaspoonfuls onto lightly greased baking sheets. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 375°.  Now enjoy these delicious cookies with your family, Don`t forget to bring some for your Teacher!!!

The Chocolate Chip Cookies:
I made the cookies and they were very delicious! (: I liked them because I made them with my friend Anna Carla and we dirtied the floor  :$ I bet is was very fun to do the Chocolate Cookies! I made the cookies in the house of my aunt. I will bring the cookies so you can know how delicious they are;)

                  Alanis Hdez. 5° B